Child Size Phelonion - Longer Back
To Make the Phelonion Longer
If you want to add length to the back of the phelonion, you can purchase two yards of the same pattern, and two yards of lining fabric.
- Cut off the bottom of the first yard right where the curve begins on the left and right of the bottom edge (about 18" from the nape of the neck to where you need to cut).
- Figure out how much length your child needs from nape to hem.
- Measure the distance remaining on the cut first yard (about 18"), minus 1" for seam allowance at the nape and the join (should be about 17"). Subtract that number from your total length needed (let's say you need 36" of final length: 36"-17"=19"). Add 1/2" seam allowance to the remainder: that's what you need from the second yard (from the example, that would be 19.5").
- Consider trying to match the fabric pattern at your cut line so that the seam is "seamless"...that might take some adjustment to the math above, and remember that your seam will be 1/2" in from the edge on both sides (think about where your seam will be and match that line in the patterned fabric). You could also add some trim to the seam, or just not worry about it!
- Measure from bottom up on your second yard and cut straight across at the widest part of the phelonion (from the example, that would be 19.5" up from the bottom).
- Sew the pieces together with a 1/2" seam allowance.
- Continue with "Cut and prep the fabric" below.