Longarm Quilting Services

We offer professional longarm quilting services in Houston, Texas! Drop off your quilt top at our shop in person, or mail it to us. Are you looking for a "longer quilting machine" to help finish your quilt? Or someone with a "long arm sewing machine"? A friend told us those are the most searched phrases on Google, so you found us! Our Bernina Q24 Longarm does precision work, whether you're looking for computerized edge-to-edge pantographs, or semi-custom computerized work, we can help you get it done!

How it Works

Choose a backing

1. Sew your quilt top.

2. Choose a backing fabric that is 8" longer and 8" wider than the top.

3. Ship your top and backing to us...

...or drop it off at our house!

4. We put your backing on the machine, add the batting, and then the quilt top. You can also choose thread color!

5. You choose the design from our pantograph selection, or we can help!

6. The machine does its magic (with lots of help from us).

7. Done! The top-stitched quilt is complete!