Finished, 100% cotton fabric Lent Calendar with 40 pockets to count down the days from Clean Monday to the last Friday of Lent. Included with the calendar: a candle placeholder, a movable Feast of Annunciation tile, and Pascha bunting. Inside each pocket is the description of the day (Clean Monday, 3rd Thurs, St. John Climacus, etc), so it works every year no matter what date Pascha (Easter) will be. Colors & patterns represent the liturgical rubrics traditionally used in Orthodox churches for each day of the Great Fast: purple for most days, red for the Sunday of the Holy Cross, and blue for the Feast of Annunciation. Calendar folds nicely for storage, machine washable, and measures 14.5" x 25". Use a dowel up to 1/2" diameter to hang it with the fabric sheath along the top. The bunting banner is 25" long, plus 6" on each end for hanging.
Ideas for using the calendar:
- Use it just like an Advent Calendar by putting treats in each pocket for your family to look forward to each day of the Great Fast.
- The durable 2.5” pockets are great for gathering coins throughout Lent to donate to the Antiochian Archdiocese's annual "Food for Hungry People" Lent drive. Along with the boxes you get at church, FFHP also publishes an calendar for collecting change that is great for teaching children gratitude for what you have and learning what others may not have.
- St. Spyridon Orthodox Church in Loveland, CO publishes a Pascha Passport with sticker stamps; the stickers will adhere and come off the calendar without damaging it, and create a great way for kids to get involved with the Lenten journey.
- The Love at Lent prompt cards published by Ancient Faith can be easily clipped to the outside of the pockets.
- Pascha bunting can be hung in your icon corner for the 40 days of celebration after Pascha!